Hi Friends,
I’m reaching out with exciting news! I have decided to streamline my writing into a newsletter. Along with this newsletter change, I am also rebranding. The focus of my writing has evolved over time since starting with a local email group in 2017. Many of you are original members of that group and I am so grateful for your support over the years. That group will continue, but will only be used for local advocacy information going forward. Please feel free to email your fellow community members with issues, opportunities, and empowerment for change!
I am thrilled to announce my newsletter, Rooted in Change, Together. The content of my blog, White Folks Facing Race, formerly available both on Blogger and Medium, has been transferred over to my new platform at Ghost, so all of my previous content is preserved and accessible in one place.
The new name reflects the shifts I have made over the years. The Rootedness is in commitment and dedication to anti-oppression work. It is also Rootedness in knowing history, connecting with our ancestors (blood-related and chosen), and building on the wisdom and experience of those who have come before us. The Change is just reality, a constant that we grapple with, learn to accept, work hard to shift towards justice. Doing this work Together builds community, embraces our shared humanity, and makes all of us stronger.
I hope you will join me as a subscriber. Please share widely. I look forward to seeing you there.