Historical Context for Anti-Racist Work

Hi Friends!
Thank you all for the input on a meeting with Parisa. We’re circling around August 13, 14, 15, 28, or 29. I have one tentative host offer for one date (with a potential backup), and would welcome more!
- The SPLC put out a report about how Racism is Killing Black Americans, particularly related to the medical system.
- Alvin Bragg at the Washington Post wrote about the Justice Department’s refusal to bring charges related to Eric Garner’s death and what this means for criminal justice reform.
- SURJ National put out their newsletter for July with some great resources.
- George Takei is on a mission to preserve the lived experiences in Japanese internment camps (including his own) and is concerned about the parallel to current immigration camps.
- The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights put together a report on disparities in school discipline, which seems to have included some discrepancy about whether children of color actually have more behavioral challenges or whether that is implicit bias and systemic racism in the education system.
I don’t bring the President into our updates often because it’s so blatant and heinous and I’m sure all of us are already well-informed. But there were some interesting articles after last week’s developments that I wanted to share:
- Kathleen D. Vohs wrote about cognitive dissonance and how people work hard to avoid facing the truth about racism
- Tim Wise wrote about calling out racism openly and takes lessons from the political defeat of David Duke in the 1990s
Stay cool out there!
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